6 months
Wow. I find it hard to believe, but it has been 6 months since I arrived in Taiwan. My contract started on September 1st, so I am almost halfway done with that as well. I have been giving thought to what I will do when this year is over, but I haven't decided on anything.
I could go back to the U.S. at the end of the summer. That would be okay. I'd have money saved enough to take some time off. But, I am also thinking about another year here. The ability to save money starts to increase dramatically for teachers who stay here longer than a year. It makes sense, really. A person makes some large purchases in the beginning, like a scooter, computer, whatever, and then doesn't have to make those purchases again. Also, as a teacher gets to know the layout here, there are more and more jobs available, and the jobs are better-paying.
Having said all that, I did not come here to get rich. So I do not want that to be the deciding factor. It will play a part in the final decision, but not the starring role, as it were. The other factors that will, I hope, are my happiness, my comfort level, and also my ability to travel some more in Asia.
Chinese New Year was really good. Due to the weather, I did not go camping. But I was able to relax, read some books, see some movies, sleep late, shop, eat a ton, all that. A great week. The weather here is supposed to get warmer in a month or so, and there will be good opportunities for camping and exploring.
Having money ain't all that bad. I'm not saying you should let that decide what you do, but I wouldn't allow it to dissuade you from a course of action, either. Are you moving to Lawrence when you head back to the States? Does it make sense to head to Japan as you'd mentioned before? Does it make sense to spend another year saving money, then deciding what to do when you're in a more comfortable position? Main thing is to keep yourself challenged & happy, I think.
Racing to do the same, myself. Contract work is a strange bird. I have a very real sense every day could be my last here, though I know that's true of any work environment. Just trying to stay active, pay debt, & build savings before it all comes crashing down again...
I won't do anything financially detrimental, that's for sure. Japan is somewhat of an option, although if I don't come back to the States after a year, I would more than likely stay here. Then, Japan would definitely be an option after two years here. If I stay here another year, I would anticipate at least $30,000 U.S. in non-retirement savings. That's still with me having a helluva time here.
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